
Dossier. Desire for Luxury: Experiences, Practices, Values
Luxury Experience as a Modus Vivendi
A Growing Market Despite Uncertainties
Global Players are Shopping for Smaller Businesses
Discretion and Refinement at the Core of Quiet Luxury
Excellence Becomes a Group: the Case of Florence
NFTs for a New Customer Relationship
Authenticity Generates Uniqueness, Trust, and Loyalty
Personalizing the Product, but with Moderation
Luxury Hospitality: Challenges, Trends, and Good Practices
Focus. The Artificial Era (but not too much)
Looking Closely Through the Digital Mirror
Cybersecurity and Companies: If the Worst Virus is the Mentality
Possible Metaverses: Archetypes and Use Cases to Go Beyond the Hype
Here Is the Pen, ChatGPT! Generative AI Put to the Test with Text
Public Administration
Towards Big Government. The Key Role of a Large Public Administration
Global Players are Shopping for Smaller Businesses
In the last few decades, the luxury goods market has experienced significant expansion, drawing attention to distinct elements that have shaped this evolution. One notable aspect is the geographical shift of the market, with a strong move towards emerging countries, including China, which stands out as one of the most influential areas for luxury brands. Furthermore, industry players have adopted strategies of product diversification and sustainability, embarked on a process of digitalization to meet the consumers' new needs, and launched a process of industry consolidation as a whole. This consolidation has seen global players acquire small luxury houses operating in market niches to enhance profitability and increase market share.