NextGen Management

2024-07-08 Ginevra Testa

The impact of Covid-19 on the transformation of crisis communication

In a competitive context such as the current one, characterized by crises of various kinds that occur more and more frequently over time and with an ever-increasing scope, the issue of crisis communication remains crucial for organizations. Today's highly interconnected and interdependent market transforms crises into real disruptions that can quickly develop along even very distant geographic boundaries, generating strong interruptions and suspensions of economic activities. Therefore, organizations need to reformulate their crisis communication strategies to identify the most effective communication ...

2024-06-18 Gulnaz Rakhmatullina

Avatars and (Virtual) Consumption: New Frontiers in the Metaverse

With the increased popularity in recent years, metaverse worlds have created additional opportunities for companies to reach customers. We define metaverse worlds as permanent and immersive mixed-reality worlds where people can interact synchronously with other people and objects beyond the limitations of time and space by using avatars and immersion-supporting devices (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2009). In these worlds, users are represented by avatars, and avatar design alongside the user’s choice of self-representation strategies impacts the user’s identification with these avatars, which in turn ...

2024-05-10 Andrea Ciacci

The Strategic Value of Big Data Transition

Overwhelmed by massive data flows and compelled by the need to intercept the real customer needs in a competitive, swiftly changing world, firms must take rapid action to address economic needs by restructuring how they think and operate. Since big data is changing the intrinsic nature of strategy, firms need to shape their functions and processes to facilitate the big data transition, implementing data-driven business models and capitalizing on big data value. While big data provides significant opportunities to enhance a firm's potential in terms of competitiveness and innovativeness, it also ...

2024-04-16 Generoso Branca

Beyond physical reality. Packaging and product in the age of VR

Interest in Virtual Reality (VR) technologies is growing in various sectors, attracting the attention of academia and society. In VR, users can interact in real-time with digital objects, in a completely virtual environment, living an immersive experience characterized by presence and interactivity. Individuals are isolated from the outside world, in a synthetic environment that may or may not simulate the real world. VR can help accelerate digitization in many areas of human life. It commonly finds application in areas such as entertainment, tourism, education, or healthcare. In addition, it ...