Dossier. China: So Close Yet So Far
The Internationalization of the Chinese Currency
The Magic Circle of Xi Jinping
The US Strategy to Contain Beijing
Risks and Opportunities for Italian Businesses
The New Silk Road. One, None and a Hundred Thousand
Multicultural Leadership as a Lever for Success
Doing Business in China: The Case of Brembo
Focus. Small and Medium Enterprises: Challenges for the Future
SMEs and Continuity of Success in the New Scenarios of Competition
A Complex Three Years that Bring Problems and Opportunities
Facing the New Normal: Skills, Resources, and Leadership
The Four Strategies to Promote Sustainable Practices
Diversity Management: An Extensive Terrain Still to Be Explored
Mergers & Acquisitions
Management and the Board: A Crucial Relationship in M&A Operations
Administration & Control
Organization & People Management
Smart Work, the South, and Internal Areas for Local Development
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
From Recycling to Redesign: The Challenge of the Circular Economy
Smart Work, the South, and Internal Areas for Local Development
South Working is an initiative that reconciles the need to stem the depopulation of Italy’s South and the internal areas of our peninsula with an authentically lean conception of work, from the perspective of guaranteeing an economically, socially, and territorially sustainable future and offering a solution to the age-old problem of territorial differences. In the implementation of smart work and telework, the pandemic played a fundamental role as an incubator, that forced companies not only to adopt measures to reinvent in-person work, but also to experiment with and recognize the potential of alternative and traditional methods. The experience of instituting remote work and “community facilities” can also be a tool to bring back part of the human capital lost by depopulated territories. Together with opportunities, it is also necessary to look at the challenges and criticalities of the project in light of the current national and international situation: precariousness and financial uncertainty, relations with local governments, institutions, and various stakeholders, as well as problems relating to infrastructure and welfare. Among the solutions proposed to face these criticalities are the promotion of shared work spaces, the creation of new professions (such as the community manager) and a renewed attention to regulations on smart working.