
Dossier. Urban Regeneration
The Virtuous Circle of Sustainability
Dossier. Living
New Social Needs at the Center of Living
Make Way for Proptech as a Lever for Growth
Dossier. Commercial
Great Transformations of the Sales Sector
Offices Are Changing; Investments, Too
Focus. The New Normal in Marketing
When Images Become a Repository of Data for Businesses
Brand Management between Back to the Future and Interstellar
The Key Points of the Digital Transformation of Go-to-market
Visual readings
Sharing economy
Organization and People Management
The New Logics of Territorial Readjustment
Better environmental and social standards, a search for flexibility and new forms of contracts represent the current needs of consumers and must haves in today’s real estate sector. To achieve all of this, though, a joint effort is necessary between the public and private sectors. The latter must be significantly reinforced thanks to the entry of institutional capital able to promote new projects and above all renovate existing structures. There can be two results: improving the quality of life, and thus wellbeing, of customers and citizens, and promoting the public interest also from the viewpoint of territorial rebalancing of growth in our country.