
Dossier. Driving in the Future
The Great Challenges for Italian Industry
Expected and Real Benefits of Industry 4.0
Focus. Driving in the Future
Focus. Agribusiness Searching for a Future
All the Ingredients of Supply Chain Resilience
Sustainability Benefits All Actors, Including Financial Interests
Vertical Farming: from Hype to Disinvestment
Collaborating is Difficult, but for Supply Chains it is Necessary
Focus. The Future of Sports between Value and Values
A Model of Sports Between Olympic Spirit and (Hyper) Professionalism
Milan’s Olympic Ambitions Reach New Heights
Athletes and Careers: The Game Is Played Off the Field Too
An (In)Tangible Legacy: What Remains of Sporting Events
Why Sports Facilities Are a Winning Business (for Everyone)
Beyond Victory: Fan Engagement Between Identity and Community
Artificial Intelligence
Sustainability Benefits All Actors, Including Financial Interests
The soil is a finite and non-renewable natural resource, a fundamental part of the natural capital that contributes to basic human needs by supporting food production and water purification, acting as an important reservoir of organic carbon, and serving as a habitat for highly diverse biological communities.