
Dossier. Driving in the Future
The Great Challenges for Italian Industry
Expected and Real Benefits of Industry 4.0
Focus. Driving in the Future
Focus. Agribusiness Searching for a Future
All the Ingredients of Supply Chain Resilience
Sustainability Benefits All Actors, Including Financial Interests
Vertical Farming: from Hype to Disinvestment
Collaborating is Difficult, but for Supply Chains it is Necessary
Focus. The Future of Sports between Value and Values
A Model of Sports Between Olympic Spirit and (Hyper) Professionalism
Milan’s Olympic Ambitions Reach New Heights
Athletes and Careers: The Game Is Played Off the Field Too
An (In)Tangible Legacy: What Remains of Sporting Events
Why Sports Facilities Are a Winning Business (for Everyone)
Beyond Victory: Fan Engagement Between Identity and Community
Artificial Intelligence
The Great Challenges for Italian Industry
The automotive industry represents one of the pillars of the Italian economy. However, starting from 2000, the crisis of the FIAT production model, culminating in the merger between FCA and PSA, has led to a significant contraction in production and, consequently, in turnover. Italy remains an important player but risks lagging behind, threatened by the competition from other European countries. There is a need for structural reforms to address persistent issues, investments in R&D and workforce training, diversification of production, and a revival of the local public transportation industry.