
Dossier: (all too) human capital
Dossier: The Scenario
Ten Years of Changes in the World of Work
The Good and the Bad of the Gig Economy
Dossier: Recruiting and Selection
Meritocracy and Inequality in Selection
Dossier: Careers
Career Progression in Italy: Old Paths, New Tensions
Dossier: Institutions and Representation
Visual Readings
Financial Services
Special 30 Years of Economia & Management
Signature Experience: People at the Center
The ability to support organic growth through the development of value associated with the client is now considered a critical factor for success in almost all sectors. For all brands that have a strong narrative, and that always need to be relevant for constantly moving customers, designing a customer experience has by now become a mandatory strategy.
The creation of a unique, relevant, and valuable experience (a signature experience) assumes a maieutic effort by the organization that must be organized in two directions: first of all, focusing on defining the elements of authentic uniqueness regarding a specific brand, and second, not being afraid to see oneself with the customer’s eyes, to identify all of the areas for improvement, beyond all of the limits of useless functional responsibility.