
Dossier: 1969 Back to the Future
Dossier: Science and Technology
Dossier: Capital and Labor
Dossier: Civil Rights
The Long March from Stonewall to an LGBTQ+ Market
Dossier: Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll
The Legacy of Woodstock Is (A)live
Cannabis: An Evergreen Business
Visual Readings
Focus: Competing on the Web and with the Web
The 5 Rules of Online Business
Sharing Economy
Special 30 years of Economia & Management
1998-2007: Great Transformations at the Turn of the Millennium
The Evaluation of Social Impact: The AVIS Experience
Following the introduction of the Third Sector Code (regarding the voluntary sector), the theme of assessment of the social impact generated by non-profit organizations (NPOs) has re-emerged strongly, emphasizing the importance of adopting methodologies of measurement such as SROI ( social return on investment) .#An analysis conducted to assess the ability of the Association of Italian Volunteer Blood Donors (AVIS) to generate social value for blood donors and volunteers has highlighted the potential and limits of such processes, as well as of the specific methodology adopted. Among the critical factors are the risk that the survey may be interpreted as a mere formal task and the difficulties inherent in data collection. At the same time, this approach may stimulate a rethinking and reorientation of organizational strategies and managerial practices, improve communication and reporting of the incremental contribution generated through the activities put into place, and reinforce the relationships with those who contribute financial resources to the NPO.