
Dossier. Scenarios and Challenges
Dossier. Business, Society, and Law
Gender Pay Gap: The Role of Businesses
Women and the PA: A Case of Half Success
What Future for Gender Budgeting?
Managing Disability Beyond the Stigma
Visual readings
Focus. Accounting
The New Direction of Accounting
In Management Control the Goal Is to Align Measures and Strategies
Focus. Agribusiness
The New Season of Agribusiness
The Entire Supply Chain Faces the test of Innovation
People management
New forms of consumption
In Management Control the Goal Is to Align Measures and Strategies
Relevance, systemic approach, ability to influence, and ability to generate trust are the four key principles in order to inspire the mission, logics, models, activities, and skills of the Management Planning and Control System (MPCS). Referring to those principles, it is possible to give substance to the concept of "partnership with business," understood as the ability to effectively interface with business processes.#To appropriately interpret business processes implies a dynamic alignment between control systems and business strategy. Technologies, and in particular the sum of tools for data recovery, calculation, information flow management, forecasting and simulation – that go under the name of digital transformation – can constitute an extraordinary enabling element.