
Dossier. Scenarios and Challenges
Dossier. Business, Society, and Law
Gender Pay Gap: The Role of Businesses
Women and the PA: A Case of Half Success
What Future for Gender Budgeting?
Managing Disability Beyond the Stigma
Visual readings
Focus. Accounting
The New Direction of Accounting
In Management Control the Goal Is to Align Measures and Strategies
Focus. Agribusiness
The New Season of Agribusiness
The Entire Supply Chain Faces the test of Innovation
People management
New forms of consumption
What Unions Can and Must Do
Still today, many people linked to the LGBT community must deal with a series of formal types of discrimination (regarding the policies and decisions a company makes) and informal types as well (regarding the climate at the company and interpersonal dynamics) that make work experiences problematic.#The approach taken by labor unions to diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity within companies is peculiar on various fronts, differentiating it from the approach of Diversity Management, that is more oriented towards business. The differences derive from a basic logic oriented towards workers' rights and equal opportunity, rather than enhancement of a company's human resources.#Due also to their links with the world of activism, unions seem to be the only interlocutor able to offer protection and support to the most marginalized LGBT workers, such as self-employed or young workers without stable contracts, or those that don't have the good fortune to work in companies attentive to the question of discrimination .