Dossier. Introduction
Dossier. Business and Global Scenarios
The 2030 Agenda: An Appointment that Regards Us All
The Centrality of Corporate Governance
ESG Ratings: Love Them or Hate Them?
From Competition to Collaboration
Dossier. Alternative Perspectives
Decarbonization and the Challenges of Big Oil
Focus. Introduction
What Cities for Culture, What Culture for Cities of Tomorrow
Focus. Cities and culture
Creative Cities Towards the Evolution of the Species
Visual reading
Public administration
People management
Sales management
Cost management
Cost and Performance Competitiveness in the Construction Sector
When Negative Emotions are Good for the Team
In work contexts, leaders are a source of emotional experience since they occupy a position that plays a leading role in the development of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes. For a team to develop a strong orientation towards learning, it is thus essential for there to be a leader able to effectively manage emotional strategies. While for some, negative emotions represent obstacles and impediments, for others they can be an alarm bell, a sign of lack of progress towards goals, that allows for triggering a series of actions able to reduce the discrepancy between the current situation and the desired situation. Recognizing our emotions and understanding their impact on us and others favors the creation of a climate of sharing necessary for the development of effective performance, especially from the standpoint of innovation and the creative process.