
Dossier. Introduction
Dossier. Business and Global Scenarios
The 2030 Agenda: An Appointment that Regards Us All
The Centrality of Corporate Governance
ESG Ratings: Love Them or Hate Them?
From Competition to Collaboration
Dossier. Alternative Perspectives
Decarbonization and the Challenges of Big Oil
Focus. Introduction
What Cities for Culture, What Culture for Cities of Tomorrow
Focus. Cities and culture
Creative Cities Towards the Evolution of the Species
Visual reading
Public administration
People management
Sales management
Cost management
Cost and Performance Competitiveness in the Construction Sector
The Value of Culture in the 15-Minute City
After the approval in 2015 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, many cities drew up their "Local Agendas for Sustainable Development." Recently, these Agendas have incorporated the model of the "15-Minute City," a prototype of the polycentric city based on proximity. In the "15-minute city," culture becomes a factor to stimulate participation, feeding planning, a sense of belonging, and connections between citizens. In what becomes an urban ecosystem, culture thus plays a key role for the creation of participatory networks.