
Dossier. Introduction
Dossier. Business and Global Scenarios
The 2030 Agenda: An Appointment that Regards Us All
The Centrality of Corporate Governance
ESG Ratings: Love Them or Hate Them?
From Competition to Collaboration
Dossier. Alternative Perspectives
Decarbonization and the Challenges of Big Oil
Focus. Introduction
What Cities for Culture, What Culture for Cities of Tomorrow
Focus. Cities and culture
Creative Cities Towards the Evolution of the Species
Visual reading
Public administration
People management
Sales management
Cost management
Cost and Performance Competitiveness in the Construction Sector
ESG Ratings: Love Them or Hate Them?
In a context of growing investor interest for businesses attentive to the social and environmental risks of their activities, ESG ratings have emerged with the function of identifying and selecting companies in line with new market expectations. ESG controversies, the news disseminated by the media on the environmental, social, and governance aspects of companies, could represent a measure of real value of a company in terms of sustainability, and thus more faithfully reflect a company's ESG performance. Greater transparency on the methods used by ESG Rating agencies would guarantee greater credibility for the agencies themselves, guide more conscious investor decisions, and encourage convergence towards a single shared rating.