Focus. Enhancing Sustainability Throughout the Value Chain
The Rising Adoption of GRI Standards. Enhancing Sustainability Across the Value Chain
Sustainability and Business Performance. Building Resilience with GRI Practices
Responding to Shock Events. Time To Recovery, Indicators, and Strategic Approaches
Visual readings
Signature Experience: An Augmented Customer Journey
Artificial Intelligence and the Administrative Side of Public Healthcare
Godfather Marketing: A New Approach with Risks and Rewards
In the not-too-distant future, as multinational corporations amass more and more power, marketing may mutate. But there’s a chance that consumer relations could evolve in a positive direction, reflecting dynamics that resemble mafia organizations, with beneficial individual and societal implications. “Godfather Marketing” has the potential to thrive in a credibility economy where quality of information prevails over quantity, in contrast to the traditional knowledge economy. This article highlights the risks and benefits of such an approach, emphasizing that the effectiveness of the model depends on shared ethics as well as checks and balances inside and outside companies.