
Dossier. The Context
What’s Behind Artificial Intelligence?
How to Create Value with the Data Economy
Dossier. Management&Application
Advanced Analytics for Managerial Decision
Challenges and Solutions for the Banking Sector
Skills, Ethics, and Safety in the Service of Health
The Benefits of Algorithms in Business Organization
Data Scientists: Who They Are, What They Do, and How They Do It
Focus. The State vs. The Market?
Nationalizations and Privatizations from a Historical Perspective
Visual readings
Corporate finance
Public Administration
Public Administration and Meritocracy between Myth and Reality
Business Strategy
Value Strategies and Cost Deductibility for Intragroup Services
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Italy-China Cooperation: Analysis of a Case of Stakeholder Management
Data Scientists: Who They Are, What They Do, and How They Do It
An analysis of the data collected by the Kaggle platform for data science has shown that the figure of the data scientist is present uniformly in India, the rest of Asia, Europe, and North America, principally in the 25 to 34 age bracket; Python is the language largely preferred by data scientists; and the introduction into companies of models based on machine learning techniques is still very limited, as are financial investments in that area.#However, large companies (>10,000 employees) are those that invest and have consolidated machine learning models, while medium-sized companies have begun to do so recently, and small companies consider these methods to be something extemporaneous, in which they have not yet begun to invest (limiting their use to free or very low-cost tools).