
Dossier. Introduction
Dossier. Innovation & Tradition
Strength and Fragility of Reading
The Digital Transition of Museums
Innovation Strategies for Museum Collections
Dossier. The 2030 Agenda and Local Territories
Cultural Welfare Beyond Experimentation
Capitals of Culture: Experimenting with the Future
Corporate Collections and Business Performance
Digital Nomadism as an Opportunity for Tourism
Focus. Introduction
Focus. Businesses Face the Challenge of Covid-19
The Reaction to the Shock, Defined by Change
The Strength of the Example of the Italian Manufacturing System
Digital marketing
The New Logics and Growth Trajectories of Powered Advertising
Organization and People Management
Creativity in Businesses, between Myths and Good Managerial Practices
Economic sociology
Strength and Fragility of Reading
In the last months of 2021, the positive sales results for the book publishing industry were accompanied by a growing polarization of certain social dynamics linked to reading: the distribution of libraries, schools, and bookstores and the variety of cultural offerings are more fragile in the South than in the North. It is increasingly necessary to reflect on the ways of stimulating reading, starting with the relationships between the cultural operators that operate in the same local territory and the residents.