Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads
Development and Wellbeing A Question of Works
On the Global Chessboard, the Game is On
Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads: Transports
All of the numbers of the Brebemi project
The Ligurian Logistics Platform
Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads: Networks
The Digital Future of the Italian System
5G: Infrastructure Seeking an Author
New Rules for the Infrastructure of the Gigabit Society
The Open Fiber Project: how and why
Networks at the Center of the Urban Ecosystem
Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads: Territories
The competitive advantage of the global city
Visual readings
The Digital Future of the Italian System
With the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) strategy for the single digital market, the European Union has set ambitious goals for a Gigabit society by 2025, allocating a budget of 3 billion euros and a unitary European focus on infrastructure linked to connectivity.#Italy is closing the gap it had in the supply of infrastructure and for the coverage of fast broadband, but must take significant steps as regards the human aspect of the use of technologies and digital literacy. However, our country's approach to 5G is cutting-edge. Not only is Italy the only EU Member State to have completed the assignment of all three pioneer bands of the spectrum for the European action plan on 5G, but it is proving to be a leader in experimentation.