
Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads
Development and Wellbeing A Question of Works
On the Global Chessboard, the Game is On
Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads: Transports
All of the numbers of the Brebemi project
The Ligurian Logistics Platform
Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads: Networks
The Digital Future of the Italian System
5G: Infrastructure Seeking an Author
New Rules for the Infrastructure of the Gigabit Society
The Open Fiber Project: how and why
Networks at the Center of the Urban Ecosystem
Dossier. Infrastructure, Italy at a Crossroads: Territories
The competitive advantage of the global city
Visual readings
On the Global Chessboard, the Game is On
For over a decade now, the hub of global production has shifted to the East. The macro-region of India, China, and Southeast Asia now generates 34 percent of global GDP and participates in over 20 percent of global trade, most of which takes place through maritime connections. This growth is also favored by the attention to infrastructure: Asia is in fact the region that invests the most in infrastructure, with average spending per country of more than 4 percent of GDP, almost double that of Europe and four times the figure in the United States. China is undoubtedly at the center of this dynamic, with the strategy launched timidly at the end of the 1990s with the so-called "go out policy" gradually, that has taken shape over time, from 2013 in particular, with the launch of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).