
Dossier. The Context
What’s Behind Artificial Intelligence?
How to Create Value with the Data Economy
Dossier. Management&Application
Advanced Analytics for Managerial Decision
Challenges and Solutions for the Banking Sector
Skills, Ethics, and Safety in the Service of Health
The Benefits of Algorithms in Business Organization
Data Scientists: Who They Are, What They Do, and How They Do It
Focus. The State vs. The Market?
Nationalizations and Privatizations from a Historical Perspective
Visual readings
Corporate finance
Public Administration
Public Administration and Meritocracy between Myth and Reality
Business Strategy
Value Strategies and Cost Deductibility for Intragroup Services
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Italy-China Cooperation: Analysis of a Case of Stakeholder Management
The Management of Financial Risks in Private Equity Funds
The management of financial risks in private equity (PE) funds aims to protect the internal rate of return (IRR) expected from investment in PCs due to unexpected variations in interest rates and exchange rates. The protection of the IRR requires a coordinated intervention on EBITDA, the EV/EBITDA multiple, and NFP.#The concrete possibility of planning and implementing financial risk management depends on certain business constraints: the availability of the liquidity that can be allocated to debt service, and to the purchase and use of financial hedging; and on the skills, technologies, and organizational/informational systems possessed by the company. The latter are not always present in either PE funds or in their PCs. Therefore, the question often arises of their acquisition on the market.