
Dossier. The Context
What’s Behind Artificial Intelligence?
How to Create Value with the Data Economy
Dossier. Management&Application
Advanced Analytics for Managerial Decision
Challenges and Solutions for the Banking Sector
Skills, Ethics, and Safety in the Service of Health
The Benefits of Algorithms in Business Organization
Data Scientists: Who They Are, What They Do, and How They Do It
Focus. The State vs. The Market?
Nationalizations and Privatizations from a Historical Perspective
Visual readings
Corporate finance
Public Administration
Public Administration and Meritocracy between Myth and Reality
Business Strategy
Value Strategies and Cost Deductibility for Intragroup Services
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Italy-China Cooperation: Analysis of a Case of Stakeholder Management
Skills, Ethics, and Safety in the Service of Health
More than in other sectors, artificial intelligence and machine learning in a clinical setting raise ethical and safety questions. It is thus necessary for healthcare organizations to invest in human resources so that doctors and healthcare professionals are competent in the use of software programs, as they are in prescribing drugs. Moreover, to guarantee safety and reliability, all artificial intelligence systems should be supervised by a centralized group of experts analogous to pharmaceutical or therapeutic commissions.