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Economy and Markets

Western Sanctions and Russia's Resilience: A Dead End?

by Gianmarco Ottaviano

Over two years have passed since the onset of the war between Russia and Ukraine and the subsequent imposition of the first Western sanctions on the Kremlin's international ...

Copertina FDM
Management Tips

Women in Innovation: Overcoming the Gender Gap for a Bright Future

by Laura Gatti

From the life sciences world to startups, women are gaining ground in scientific and entrepreneurial sectors. However, on the path toward true gender equality, significant ...

NextGen Management

The Strategic Value of Big Data Transition

by Andrea Ciacci

Within the multifaceted concept of digital transformation, the big data transition presents peculiar traits and characteristics, requiring new analytical and management capabilities ...


Beyond illusions, within limits: business and the sustainability challenge

by Sylvie Goulard

Despite glaring inequalities, humanity as a whole is already living beyond the planet's means. Public authorities—whether democracies or autocracies—struggle to act as ...

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Opinions & Interviews

Generative AI: A Source of Wisdom

by Luigi Rinzivillo

In a world marked by profound upheavals, even the old "technical managerial" model is disintegrating, and a new one has yet to emerge on the horizon. In this context, the ...


CFO and AI: an Evolution Starting from Afar

by Andrea Beltratti e Alessia Bezzecchi

The increasing deployment of analytical and predictive AI tools in businesses is changing the role of the Chief Financial Officer. However, we are not facing a revolution ...


The five challenges of management

by Sandro Castaldo

In today's business environment, five key management challenges emerge: understanding changing market needs and demands, but also supply chains, and major geopolitical shifts; ...


Not just a game

by Dino Ruta

'Sport' is a global term by definition, it needs no translation: play, performance and competition have been inseparable elements of society since the first Olympics. Over ...


Green transition. Measuring the impact on balance sheets

by Michele Calcaterra

Michele Calcaterra, Senior Lecturer of Enterpreneurial Finance in Sda Bocconi School of Management and Director of the REPAiR Lab, presents the results of the research project ...

Leading Management