DOSSIER. All the Faces of Poverty
The Entirely Italian “Poverty Regime”
Disadvantaged Stories as Inheritance
Youth and Work: A Crucial Issue
Educational Poverty Requires Strong Choices
Rethinking Italy’s Citizens’ Income
FOCUS 1. Do All Roads Lead to the PNRR?
The Territorial Allocation of Resources, between Good and Bad
Investments Require New Leadership in the Public Sector
Simplifying to Grow and Win the Race Against Time
The Challenge for Towns and Cities is to Invest in Real Projects
FOCUS 2. Good Governance Produces Growth (in Multiple Directions)
Positive Effects on Performance, Both Direct and Indirect
Compliance Issues are Relevant Factors for Strategic Decision-Making
The Epochal Challenges of the 2020s: Financial Intermediation
Growing to Preserve Italian Excellences: The Role of Investors
Digital Sustainability
Innovation and Marketing
Market Decisions in Phases of Uncertainty: The Case of the Metaverse
The Entirely Italian “Poverty Regime”
Growing as a result of the two epochal crises of the last decades (Lehman Brothers and the Covid-19 pandemic), poverty is a phenomenon that is studied according to varying criteria depending on the context. Its incidence has increased to a greater extent in regions and social groups that were already at greater risk of poverty before the crises, such as in the case of the South of Italy, households with many children, and regular foreign residents. The Reddito di Cittadinanza (Citizens' Income), with its potential results and critical issues, is the main measure implemented since 2019 to counteract poverty.