
Dossier. Rethinking Globalization
State Intervention in the Economy? What Counts is Quality
A New Management of Global Markets
Why We Should Go Back to Reading Marx
Dossier. Who Represents What
All of the Doubts and Challenges within Confindustria
Business-Labor: Equal Status and Common Planning
Four Possible Destinies for Labor Unions
Visual Reaadings
Focus. The Fashion Industry and New Consumption
The World of Luxury is No Longer the Same (Which is Good)
Innovation & Operations Management
Sharing Economy
Digital Procurement
Insittutions and Society
How and Why Solitude is Growing among Insecure Workers
At the end of 2019, the total number of insecure workers in Italy was 3.123 million, a figure that has certainly been aggravated by the explosion of the pandemic in the early months of 2020. The general weakening of labor unions can be attributed, on the one hand, to the reduction of demand for labor in sectors where they were traditionally the strongest (services); and on the other, to the changes that have taken place in the organization of work, especially in factories, including the reduction of the unity of the working class.#Unions have not always placed the battle against job insecurity at the center of their strategies, and the uncertain paths of affiliation have certainly not favored the construction of a solid relationship lacking ambiguity between the insecure, younger workers, and unions.