Opinions & Interviews

2020-02-24 Rachele Anconetani, Maurizio Dallocchio, Leonardo L. Etro, Giulia Negri, Matteo Vizzaccaro

Managerial Excellence: A Value Beyond the Confines of Performance

Founded in 2017 to reward Italian entrepreneurial excellence from both an economic-financial standpoint and regarding respect for the values of sustainability (environmental, social and governance - ESG), the SDA Bocconi School of Management’s Best Performance Award (BPA) has now reached its third edition.* The Award is divided into five categories, each of which brings together companies that have demonstrated pro-active attitudes in ESG initiatives in their sector. In particular, the hot topic this year is that of managerial excellence, promoting companies that stand out in terms of cutting-edge ...

2020-01-13 Simona Scarpaleggia

How Business Culture Changes with Technology

We are living in times of great, rapid transformation. In every area we see that people live, work, seek entertainment and consume goods and services with methods and tools that are increasingly different from those of the past. We see the world changing at an unprecedented speed. The digitization of many sectors, the use of artificial intelligence, robotization, and the frequent birth of startups are phenomena that have now become normal, and naturally lead to accelerations and changes in all fields, even in the most consolidated and traditional sectors. This is a process that we cannot stop ...

2019-12-12 Roberto Ruozi

The European Banking Union: a Proposal for Discussion

A few weeks ago, the German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz published an article in the Financial Times in which, starting from a non-paper prepared by his Ministry, he summarized his thinking regarding the European Banking Union (EBU). The article was, and still is, the subject of great interest. It is well-known that the EBU was decided on a number of years ago with the aim of creating a single European banking market based on three fundamental pillars: common oversight of banks; uniform regulations on the resolution of bank crises; and homogenization and integration of regulations on bank deposit ...


Digital Transformation for Human Resources

Digital Transformation is increasingly discussed these days in regard to Human Resources. While the words themselves indicate the simplification of almost all HR processes and the need to redesign and improve current practices, making use of digital tools, it goes without saying that the Human Resources sector cannot be left behind; in particular because it deals with the most important capital of all, people (human capital), who can be resistant, or particularly inclined, to change. The HR manager must therefore evolve and guide that process, not only to "ride the wave" or follow it, but to give ...

2019-10-15 Vittoria Veronesi and Guia Beatrice Pirotti

Italian Excellence in food & beverage: How to Build Wonder

Andrea Illy writes: "I immediately recognized that providing the best coffee nature can offer us is not a profession like others, but an idea that includes many professions. An entire conception of the world that contains the marvelous places where the plants grow and the beans are harvested, the elegant cafes and sophisticated conversations between intellectuals; movies, art, designer coffee-cups and production without defects. This idea would change my life." In this description, we perceive the essence of Italian excellence, know-how without abandoning beauty, the good that is married to the ...

2019-10-09 Severino Meregalli, Leonardo Maria De Rossi, Lorenzo Diaferia

How to Exploit Data in the Post-Digital Era?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently estimated that by the end of 2020, the amount of stored data will reach the volume of 44 zettabytes, which means a quantity of bytes forty times greater than the number of stars in the universe. In the world of big data and digitalization, imaginative references such as that of the WEF on the trend in data growth have now become the norm. Research centers, vendors, and the publishing world compete in using analogies and exponential metrics to present the issue of data explosion. Since we now recognize the fact that we are facing an unstoppable trend of ...

2019-09-25 Leonella Gori

The CFO: A Technical Figure, or not?

In the preparation of this article, thanks are due to Dott. Francesco Masironi for his patient work collecting information during the initial phases of the research. In response to the question “What counts more, perception or facts?” the marketing world has a rather precise and clear answer, that aims in a single direction, with almost no ambiguity: while facts are important, the ability to make them perceptible in a "correct" and convenient manner is probably even more important. An example? Some years ago, one of the most famous violinists in the world repeated a superb musical execution ...

2019-09-25 Roberto Ruozi

Watch Out for Libra

Since Facebook announced that in 2020 it will launch a new currency to transmit monetary values globally, there have been many comments with decisive positive or negative conclusions. The Libra phenomenon – the name of the new currency – has in fact sparked great interest, but the judgments expressed to this point cannot be considered definitive, since many of its aspects are not certain yet, including because many of the technical, financial, and technological problems are still being addressed, and because we don’t know what position the oversight authorities will take. In truth, the authorities ...

2019-06-11 Roberto Ruozi

Cryptocurrencies: The Role of the Bank of Italy and the Consob

In recent times, our monetary and financial authorities have finally decided to intervene in the dark world of cryptocurrencies and especially of cryptoactivities. Given the confusion and lack of knowledge on the subject, we should first state that the former are virtual currencies, the most widespread of which is Bitcoin, issued without any underlying value, not minted or produced physically, but traded electronically. Cryptoactivities, on the other hand, are generally linked to the funding of enterprises and projects, do not have any monetary function, and are expressed in cryptocurrencies, ...