
Capital Markets A Key Asset for Growth
The coming months will be crucial for thinking about how to shape the European Single Market and how to make the European Union competitive with other economies. The values at stake, compared to the size of the United States on the one hand and China on the other, would be enough to justify the reasons for accelerating the path of political integration. This would enable the economic systems of the individual European countries and their companies to play a role on the international stage. But the optimism of reason must be supported by progressive steps, and the construction of the single financial ...

CFO and AI: an Evolution Starting from Afar
The Financial Times recently argued that the role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is changing as a result of the increasing introduction of Artificial Intelligence in the enterprise, which enables the availability of analytical and predictive tools. It is hard to disagree: academic research supports with econometric models that the use of predictive analytics enables a productivity improvement amounting to about 3 percent of revenues for companies in the United States. But can we really say that the role of the CFO is suddenly changing because of algorithmic innovations? We believe not. ...

Research, Sharing, and Impact to Address the Sustainability Challenge
Excellence in Sustainability and Governance - eSG Knowledge Platform is the name of the SDA Bocconi platform that brings together and coordinates all research activities on these increasingly urgent topics. Sustainability, understood in an integrated and cross-cutting way, is studied starting from global challenges on environmental, social, and governance issues that lead companies, international organizations, public, and governmental institutions to rethink their future. In this perspective, the eSG Platform proposes innovative and pragmatic solutions through research activities and analysis ...

The Role of Brands, Media, and Sports in Breaking Stereotypes
Stereotypes still deeply permeate our society. Many unconscious biases shape attitudes, behaviors, and choices. One of the most prevalent biases links diversity with the idea of minority. Conversely, the definition of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) is broad, resulting in a commitment to recognize and emphasize the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that embraces and celebrates individual and collective achievements (Diversity Brand Index, 2018). Considering the eight forms of diversity recognized in literature (gender and gender identity, age and generations, ...

Festival of Management: an Impact that Continues
And so the second edition of the Festival of Management has also come to an end. The enthusiasm was palpable as we reunited in Milan on March 7 and 8, hosted by Bocconi University. Witnessing the sincere interest and trust in an initiative that transformed from a visionary idea in October 2021 into a concrete project and now a well-established reality, thanks to the SIMA academic community's support, was truly inspiring. This success was not guaranteed; it was made possible by our partners and all those who supported and shared our vision and values unconditionally. The Festival's attendance of ...

Inspiration and Innovation at the Festival of Management
Last February, the first edition of the Festival of Management by SIMA (the Scientific Society representing Italian Academics of Management) marked the beginning of an innovative path, for Italian universities, of enhancing managerial culture, aimed at supporting the civil, social and economic progress of the country. Important issues such as the fight against mafias in the economy, the energy transition and the organisation of services for the protection of public health can be successfully governed if the necessary organisational skills are available. The interest shown by the extended community ...

Management Returns to the Centre of Communities
The forthcoming Sima’s (the Italian Society of Management Scholars) Festival of Management is approaching. It is still growing and evolving thanks to positive feedback received after the first edition. We are coming back to Milan and to Bocconi University on 7th and 8th of March 2024, thanks to precious support of our colleagues and to the great effort of the Sima’s Past President, Sandro Castaldo, who believed in this project from the very first moment. We have been working for a long time to the several financial and organizational elements as well as to the “editorial” and communication ...

Children, Not Work: China Takes a Step Back on Gender Equality
Every five years, the People's Republic holds a feminist congress in the Great Hall of the People on Tiananmen Square. Like every official event, it is a sort of parade whose contents are largely predetermined and rarely attracts public attention. It is more of a symbolic tribute to the importance the party places on women, at least on paper. This year, however, due to the economic slowdown and the government's push to encourage births, things have been different. Ding Xuexiang, the member of the standing committee of the political office responsible for the opening speech, for the first time ...

The Nature of Change
Coping with change is a constant condition for companies. Not only because the world around us changes incessantly and companies have to decide how to deal with new external conditions. But also because we ourselves are the ones who change and the inevitable life cycle of people is enough to change businesses internally. New people enter the company, other people leave it, and the people who remain, simply because they are ageing, also change over time. It is this incessant rhythm that determines the changes in our company: the constant turnover of new people and thus of new experiences, new ideas, ...

Business Innovation and Finance for Sustainability
On October 13, the 2023 edition of the EMF C-Suite Forum of the Executive Master in Finance at SDA Bocconi was held. The "Chiefs" of the participating companies offered interesting and original perspectives on the impact of elements such as innovation in business and finance on sustainability. In this analysis, we argue that technological innovation must be accompanied by changes in the business models of companies and society itself in order to increase circularity. Furthermore, we believe that there is a need to revisit the debate and discuss "sustainable sustainability" from an economic perspective, ...