
Economia e mercati_iStock_Nastyaaroma
2024-09-11 Gianmarco Ottaviano

Marine and Submarine Routes: the Red Sea and the Future of Global Trade

We tend to think of the global market as a seamless large bazaar where goods from all over the world flow with ease. In reality, it consists of countless bazaars of all sizes, connected by a circular flow of goods. The most important connections are maritime, and they are quite few. For this reason, the attacks on ships off the coast of Yemen raise concerns that may seem exaggerated, considering that very few of these have had significant effects. To put things in perspective: since the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas last October, the Houthis, a group of Yemeni rebels backed ...

2024-09-03 Andrea Beltratti, Alessia Bezzecchi

AI and the Future of Work in Finance

In the 1991 movie Judgment Day, Terminator says, “My CPU is a neural-net processor; a learning computer. The more contact I have with humans, the more I learn.” The effects of the nuclear war started by machines to exterminate humanity in the film have left a profound impact on how many people think about the use of artificial intelligence. For decades, concerns about the growing power of machines were limited to a few, but the exponential increase in the learning capabilities of new systems, particularly those that are part of generative AI, has begun to stir anxiety among academics and managers. ...

Highlights_iStock_Tanatpon Chaweewat
2024-08-18 Francesco Grillo

Internet of Beings. AI and Hyper Data Revolutionize Healthcare

The use of telemedicine dates back to at least as early as the inception of the Internet (Hjelm, 2017). In the same year that Vincent Cerf and Robert Kahn proposed using the Internet Protocol for internal Pentagon communication, astronauts donned spacesuits equipped to continuously monitor their vital signs, sending data back to Houston and streaming it live to a global audience during the Moon landing. But despite decades of optimistic predictions about how digital tools could revolutionize healthcare and disease prevention, these expectations have largely gone unmet. Paradoxically, the healthcare ...

Highlights_iStock_Tanatpon Chaweewat
2024-07-28 Giovanni Valotti

A Forward-Looking Vision. Rethinking HR Strategies and Public Employee Roles

People are an organization's most adaptable asset, embodying a diverse set of skills, roles, expectations, and motivations that evolve over time. The organization can choose to be a passive bystander to this change, or it can play an active role by facilitating and managing change: in the former case, organizations that are slow to respond to contextual demands risk being unprepared for crises and missing many opportunities. Conversely, administrations that invest time and resources in developing a forward-looking vision, as in the second case, are ideally positioned to drive essential change. The ...

2024-07-26 Sylvie Goulard, Francesco Perrini, Stefano Pogutz

To Be or Not to Be: Sustainability Between Strategy, ESG, and Reporting

Driven by a series of institutional and political pressures—from Climate Conferences to the Green Deal, from Non-Financial Reporting and Sustainable Finance Directives to those on transparency and greenwashing—the debate on corporate sustainability has often become muddled and highly ideological in recent years. With over three decades of experience in sustainability management, and having observed and studied the actions of many managers and organizations, we aim to clarify what corporate sustainability truly is and what it is not. The roots of corporate sustainability lie in corporate responsibility ...

Copertina FDM
2024-07-18 Elita Schillaci

The Feminist Revolution for a New Era of Management

A silent but powerful revolution is redefining the traditional paradigms of corporate governance and management. A transformation that challenges our ideas of power, merit, personal and business success, while promoting – at the same time – authentic relationships with consumers. This movement has its roots in the fight against gender discrimination, which began in the last century. Gender discrimination in business has historically limited women's employment opportunities, hindered their careers, created wage disparities, and prevented access to leadership positions, with the phenomenon known ...

Editoriale_iStock_Ben Slater
2024-07-15 Sandro Castaldo

Trusted Sustainability

In recent years, sustainability has become a growing strategic priority for companies. This is the result of increased community and institutional attention to issues related not only to environmental sustainability, but also to diversity, inclusion, and a growing focus on fair and equitable treatment of employees and suppliers within the supply chain. According to the stakeholder view, a company should not only prioritize the economic interests and expectations of its internal stakeholders (primarily shareholders), but also strive to satisfy a broader range of stakeholders – such as employees, ...

2024-07-08 Ginevra Testa

The impact of Covid-19 on the transformation of crisis communication

In a competitive context such as the current one, characterized by crises of various kinds that occur more and more frequently over time and with an ever-increasing scope, the issue of crisis communication remains crucial for organizations. Today's highly interconnected and interdependent market transforms crises into real disruptions that can quickly develop along even very distant geographic boundaries, generating strong interruptions and suspensions of economic activities. Therefore, organizations need to reformulate their crisis communication strategies to identify the most effective communication ...

Highlights_iStock_Tanatpon Chaweewat
2024-07-04 Stefano Pogutz, Francesco Perrini, Jan Hans Georg Pachner, Rafael Sardà, Federico Fumagalli

Protecting the Ocean for a Sustainable Planet

The health of the ocean is in critical condition, and it is deteriorating at a rate and in ways scientists say are unprecedented in the history of our planet. Huge amounts of plastics and chemicals are dumped into the environment every year in all parts of the world. Overexploitation of fish stocks has pushed fisheries of several species beyond the threshold of sustainability, with serious implications for the proper functioning of food chains and the integrity of the ocean floor. Acidification, stemming from the substantial volumes of carbon dioxide produced by industrial and consumer activities, ...

Economia e mercati_iStock_Nastyaaroma
2024-07-01 Donato Masciandaro

Artificial Intelligence, Stock Markets, and “Newton's Lesson”

Stock markets are in good health, but AI-related stocks are performing even better: within the generally positive trend of stock prices, the performance of companies associated with so-called artificial intelligence stands out. It is undeniable that the applications of technologies for the production and distribution of information and knowledge, summarized under the term "artificial intelligence," are influencing the decisions of companies and sectors, and will have macroeconomic impacts—yet to be fully explored systematically—that will affect productivity and the labor market, hence production ...