
2019-06-11 Donato Masciandaro

Illegal Capital Flows, Europe's Holes

The case of Danske Bank, the largest bank in Denmark, was the sixth time in just a few months that a bank belonging to a Member State of the European Union was implicated in the laundering of dirty money: Estonia, Germany, Holland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Malta, strictly in alphabetical order. And that’s not all: in January, the European Commission issued its first recommendation on the so-called “gold visas,” the practice by which certain EU countries such as Malta, Cyprus, and Bulgaria grant citizenship to non-EU citizens in exchange for financial investments. These “gold visas” can ...

Cina e Italia
2019-06-11 Cecilia Attanasio Ghezzi

What’s in the New Silk Road

Italy was the first G7 country to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with China. The framework is that of the so-called New Silk Road, the colossal investment plan launched in 2013 by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, with the idea of exploiting the trade routes of antiquity to move goods from one side of the Eurasian continent to the other, by sea and by land. In essence, the goal is to cultivate and strengthen the economic links between China and the participating nations through a new network of infrastructure that will potentially favor the creation of an important ...

HIT Application Focus IT cover
Gianluca Salviotti, Leonardo De Rossi

HIT Radar: Application Focus – Information Technology

Blockchain-based Smart Contract A blockchain-based smart contract is a computer program code that is capable of facilitating, executing, and enforcing the negotiation or performance of an agreement (i.e. contract) using blockchain technology. Being able to set-up a software solution, which provides an exchange of value in a secure, transparent and automatic way can sound as a tremendous opportunity for everyone. However, current blockchain platforms are not (yet) ready to support the data tsunami smart-contracts can generate. Smart contracts are an interesting tool with a true potential you should ...

MFR 3 2017
Andrea Beltratti, Alessia Bezzecchi

What is Asked of Wealth Management Today

The sector of asset/wealth management is in a phase of profound transformation. It is anticipated that revenues will not grow in the next three years, due in part to the pressure on management fees. In the U.S., the average cost of bond and equity funds fell from 0.76% and 0.99% in 2000, to 0.48% and 0.59% respectively (Investment Company Institute). The trend has recently become stronger: on August 1, 2018, Fidelity launched a true trade war by offering the sale of two market index funds with zero fees. As we have seen for some time, such as when Amazon announces its entry into new sectors, the ...

book faier
2019-05-17 Paola Dubini, Elena Raviola

A Clash between Fields

Göteborg, Autumn 2016. The main book fair in Northern Europe, that celebrates 250 years of Swedish constitutional law on freedom of the press – the first in the world – was the subject of incredible media attention. The reason was that the fair admitted among the exhibitors a publishing company that publishes an extreme right-wing organ. The debate in traditional media and social media continued for over 15 months, with the publication of approximately 12,000 articles in all types of media, and more than 18,000 Tweets dedicated to the issue. In this public debate, the episode of the book ...

Semiconductors (Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt)_Parting the Waves still_2017
2019-05-09 Marco Mancuso

New Media Art between Technology, Science, and Industry

In a historical period of growing economic recession and widespread cuts to cultural initiatives, there is an increasing number of artists, designers, creatives, and enterprises – in the areas of ICT and scientific research – who use production processes functional to the creation of “cultural objects” as standardized as possible. The new creative classes, with various types of training and backgrounds, that are not all necessarily institutionalized, are able to create relationships between the industrial world and an ecosystem made up of research centers, laboratories, academies, and ...