Digital Transformation for Human Resources
Digital Transformation is increasingly discussed these days in regard to Human Resources. While the words themselves indicate the simplification of almost all HR processes and the need to redesign and improve current practices, making use of digital tools, it goes without saying that the Human Resources sector cannot be left behind; in particular because it deals with the most important capital of all, people (human capital), who can be resistant, or particularly inclined, to change.
The HR manager must therefore evolve and guide that process, not only to "ride the wave" or follow it, but to give it direction and structure, to accompany organizations towards change and put people at the center of that change.
“A new approach is emerging to work, going beyond the concept of employees, resources, or consumers - that has always characterized the organizational and business dynamics of companies - moving towards a new culture of work and relationships relying on the protagonists of change: people." This is the view presented by Fabrizio Cataldi, Managing Director of For Human Relations, a company that organizes events aimed at facilitating communication between enterprises and institutions and creates services and activities to develop the business of professionals and organizations. Among these events is the Human Resources Forum, to be held in Milan on November 14.
“The new humanism of work and human relations goes through people. The theme of the new edition of the HR Forum intends to shed light not only on the new equilibriums and organizational structures that are taking hold in companies in the wake of the digital revolution, but above all on the opportunities that Digital Transformation offers to organizations and their HR departments to put the focus on changing people," continues Cataldi. "Change which is not only technological, but above all cultural, is pervading companies around the world, redefining aspects such as competences, roles, professional figures, and relationships.”
To keep up with the times, HR departments need new skills, an upgrade of their competences. If in the past the Human Resources function was merely an administrative activity, over the years that process has taken on different characteristics, and today entails a series of different tasks, each strictly linked to the other and with specific and more strategic skills.
The impact of Digital Transformation on Human Resources regards in particular the activities of recruitment, training, attendance management, but also training and development. Communications skills are, and will be, essential, including to manage the tools offered by technologies that allow all employees to provide value or denigrate their company in the new virtual forums. What we are seeing every day, is in fact a profound change in people, in their way of working, experiencing life in a company, the workplace, or approaching worlds that previously would have been harder to reach. The commitment from HR must be to create a positive experience for its employees, just as a company aims to create a positive experience for its clients.