
Documenti trovati: 2
Articolo rivista (E&M - 2010/3) Gatti Stefano

One year on, the economic crisis and its impact on Italian banks and financial institutions

Il 21 ottobre l’associazione BOSS – nelle persone di Carlo Bosco, Marco Campo e Sabino Costanza –, Nomura Italia e l’Università Bocconi di Milano hanno organizzato una tavola rotonda dal titolo “One year on the economic crisis and its impact on Italian banks and financial institutions”.#Il tema della tavola rotonda era particolarmente delicato in considerazione del momento storico attraversato ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2015/03) Carletti Elena

Banking union and fiscal backstops

The banking union is an epochal institutional change, comparable in many respects to the introduction of the euro in 1999. Besides the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the banking union comprises a Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) with its Single Resolution Fund (SRF), and a harmonized system of deposit insurance schemes. The new institutional architecture is certainly an important step forward ...