
Documenti trovati: 2
Articolo rivista (E&M - 2009/6) Chakraborty Urmila

The Changing Face of India

La rubrica “La finestra sul mondo” approda come prima tappa in area BRIC (Brasile, Russia, India, Cina), volgendo lo sguardo verso i paesi emergenti, unanimemente riconosciuti strategici per lo scenario dell’economia globale del Terzo Millennio. Avendo ripreso il percorso della rubrica “Doing business in China”, dalla Cina muove prima di tutto all’interno dell’area asiatica, per guardare ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2015/02) Gatti Stefano

Pension Funds’ Long Term Investment: A Huge Potential Demand. Interview with Mr. Raffaele Della Croce, Lead Manager, Long-term Investment Project, OECD

Looking back at the past few years, the spectrum of possible interested investors in infrastructure is now much broader. Can you please provide an overview of the different channels to infrastructure investments available to the private sector?   Infrastructure can be financed using different capital channels. The evolution of the capital markets shows that financial innovation develops new financial ...