
Documenti trovati: 2
Articolo rivista (E&M - 2010/3) Gatti Stefano

One year on, the economic crisis and its impact on Italian banks and financial institutions

Il 21 ottobre l’associazione BOSS – nelle persone di Carlo Bosco, Marco Campo e Sabino Costanza –, Nomura Italia e l’Università Bocconi di Milano hanno organizzato una tavola rotonda dal titolo “One year on the economic crisis and its impact on Italian banks and financial institutions”.#Il tema della tavola rotonda era particolarmente delicato in considerazione del momento storico attraversato ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2012/05) Castellaneta Francesco

The double-edged sword of experience in strategic decisions. Evidence from the private equity sector

Research objective The overarching objective of my research is to contribute to our understanding of the positive and negative experiential learning factors linked to the development of organizational capabilities in strategic tasks. Experience is both an opportunity and a restriction – a resource and an obstacle for change, a space to explore and a prison. To gain insights into the puzzling ...