
Documenti trovati: 6
Articolo rivista (E&M - 2021/3) Miranda Lucio

Trade Opportunities and Possible Perils

Transatlantic trade and the rethinking of supply chains, to be less tilted towards China, have returned to the center of debate in America and Europe. There is a different environment, probably determined by the freezing of tariffs, that is inspiring trust both in Brussels and in markets and businesses.#Many financial analysts are of the opinion that the American economy is heading into a period of ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2021/3) Veronesi Vittoria, Pirotti Guia Beatrice, De Angelis Corvi Elena

Successful strategies for the agri-food industry

In the first half of 2020, Italian agri-food exports to the United States totaled more than EUR 2 billion, up 4.5% compared to 2019 and registering a double-digit growth over the corresponding period in 2018. Moreover, the value of food and beverage exports to the United States is expected to increase by around EUR 11 billion by 2023. As revealed by the success of the Mutti and Marchesi Antinori labels, ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2020/3) Pensa Cristina, G. M. Sica Francesca

All the Opportunities of the MENA Area

The MENA area has factors of attractiveness that make it desirable as a new "promised land for business" for Italian companies. The MENA area has points of strength that appear specular to the weaknesses of Italy.#Thanks to its geographic positioning, our country represents a natural logistics platform in the Mediterranean. Only through important investments aimed at developing our intermodal network ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2020/3) Simontacchi Stefano

The Golden Rules for Doing Business

Africa is an area in which doing business is challenging and at the same time very promising. For those who decide to operate on the continent, the selection of the countries from which to start or on which to focus is crucial, as is the medium to long-term strategic approach to adopt. The most promising countries are those with more diversified economies and less dependence on single resources, such ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2009/6) Chakraborty Urmila

The Changing Face of India

La rubrica “La finestra sul mondo” approda come prima tappa in area BRIC (Brasile, Russia, India, Cina), volgendo lo sguardo verso i paesi emergenti, unanimemente riconosciuti strategici per lo scenario dell’economia globale del Terzo Millennio. Avendo ripreso il percorso della rubrica “Doing business in China”, dalla Cina muove prima di tutto all’interno dell’area asiatica, per guardare ...

Articolo rivista (E&M - 2019/2) Sommariva Andrea

A Synergy of Public and Private in Space Exploration

The first phase in the history of human exploration of space, in the 1950s and ’60s, saw a pre-eminent role of government: public investment in the military field and the missions to the moon set off processes of technological innovation with very positive spinoffs for the economies as a whole, as in the case of the development of satellite technologies,#Since the 1970s, more and more private corporations ...