
Economia & Management publishes only unpublished articles on topics related to the economic-managerial tradition and to theoretical and research orientations at national and international level that enhance the managerial impact, thus contributing to the academic-professional debate and the pursuit of best practices.

The journal is divided into sections: Focus, Themes, Science. Articles accepted for publication automatically imply the transfer of copyright to the publisher.

All articles are submitted to the Editorial Board for preliminary review for consistency with the Journal’s objectives and quality standards. Articles in the Science section are submitted anonymously for review by referees appointed by the Scientific Board.

Manuscripts for the Journal must be in English and submitted electronically via ScholarOne Manuscripts at

Submissions to the Science section should be marked as "Original Article", those to the Themes section as "Invited Article" and those to the Focus section as "Proposal".

Proposals for the online columns of E&M Plus should be sent to

Submission Guidelines for Authors

Submission Form

All submissions should be accompanied by a submission form with the following information:

  • Title of the article.
  • Name of author(s).
  • E-mail address.
  • Abstract (max. 150 words).
  • Keywords (5).
  • Biographical information (max. 80 words): role, university/institution of affiliation, other relevant academic or associative positions.

Format and Length

Papers must be submitted in Word format. The maximum length is 10,000 words for articles in the Science section and 5,000 words for other sections.

Figures and Tables

Original figures and tables should be provided in an editable format (e.g., Excel, PowerPoint) and submitted in a separate file from the text. Figures and tables should have a title and source (if not original works of the author) and should be numbered consecutively.

Executive Summary (Managerial Impact Factor)

At the end of the text, include a summary of the management implications of the topic discussed, preferably in the form of a short list of 4-5 points.

Double-blind Peer Review

Articles in the Science section are submitted anonymously for review by reviewers identified by the Scientific Board.

To ensure anonymous review, authors should anonymize the manuscript and all associated materials by removing from the author’s names, affiliations, and any other information that might identify the authors from the text of the manuscript and accompanying files.

The submission form, which includes the title, names of authors, affiliations, and contact information for each author, should be submitted separately.

The peer review process can result in the following outcomes: rejection, acceptance with major revisions, acceptance with to minor revisions, and acceptance. Acceptance with major changes involves further review as indicated by the Editorial Board.


References should follow a consistent style and use the in-text author data system.

All references in the manuscript should be listed in full in the reference list at the end of the article, and all references included in the list should be cited in the text.

Please use the following style for formatting references.

  • Article in journal:
    Crossan, M. M. and Apaydin, M. (2010). “A Multi-Dimensional Framework of Organizational Innovation: A Systematic Review of the Literature.” Journal of Management Studies, 47(6), 1154-1191.
  • Volume:
    Afuah, A. (2003). Innovation Management. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Chapter in volume:
    Engestrom, Y. (1993). “Developmental studies of work as a test bench of activity theory: the case of primary care medical practice.” In S. Chaiklin and J. Lave (eds), Understanding Practice: Perspectives on Activity and Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 64-103.
  • Working paper:
    Cebon, P. and Newton, P. (1999). Innovation in Firms: Towards a Framework for Indicator Development. Working Paper 99-109, Melbourne Business School.

Works by the same author should be listed in order of publication, from the least recent to the most recent. In the case of multiple works by the same author published in the same year, the date should be followed by a suffix (a, b, etc.), e.g: Freeman (1974b). If the author’s name is mentioned in the text, it is not necessary to repeat it in the citation, e.g: “Geisler (1995, p. 282) argues that...”. For more than three names, et al. is used, thus: Jansen et al. (2009).